Tender management
Before awarding a contract it is sensible to carry out research regarding the range of potential service providers. Which suppliers are available in this market, what is the tariff profile and who is capable of delivering the required quality? In order to achieve an acceptable comparison these matters are to be tested by means of a commercial or European tender. DMC can fully supervise or counsel such a traject by development of an adequate RFI, RFP or RFQ (Request for Information, Proposal or Quotation). Through our knowledge of the industry we are able to select the appropriate candidates for you from a neutral position.
The requirements, conditions and regulations as put by your procurement department and/or line management will be recorded in a professional tender document, where the adequate selection criteria are included. On basis of the received quotations we can subsequently enable you to arrive to a deliberate decision with respect to a shortlist of candidates and the final award to the party with the most attractive price / quality ratio. Practice learns that our intervention will result in TCO savings which range between 10 and 20 percent.

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